Monday 27 August 2012


这是一场由马来西亚歌剧女高音叶洁芝与意大利钢琴家Maurizio Colacicchi联合举办的,不可多得的一场独唱分享会 Sole & Amore》。


毕业于意大利罗马国立音乐学院 (Conservatorio di musica ‘Santa Cecilia’, Roma), 师承Lorraine Nawa Jones Kristin Ann Saldarelli 学习声乐, 追随Marcello Ferroni 意大利著名歌剧导演,钻研舞台艺术表演(Arte scenica). 留意期间, 曾在各地演出, 并被邀至当地国家电台RAI演出.  1994年获得意大第7Cascinalirica国际声乐大赛得奖, 也是唯一亚裔得得奖者.  意大著名歌剧刊物”L’Opera”, 评述演唱具细致丰富的音乐语言以及充满戏剧生命张力.

回国后她曾多次被邀演出歌剧,神剧及音乐会, 足迹遍及全马各地, 意大利,韩国, 星加玻, 纽西兰,澳洲,台湾及印尼. 曾演出的歌剧剧码: Carmen (Micaela ),  Hansel und Gretel(Mother)  ,Turandot(Liu)以及担任多部神剧和清唱剧之独唱: 韩德尔-“弥赛亚”,”Dixit  Dominus(HWV 232),海顿- 创世记,  巴哈-“圣马太受难曲巴哈-“B小调弥撒曲”精粹,孟德尔颂-“以利,  诗篇95 颂赞之歌, 维瓦–“荣耀颂(RV 589),  Dixit  Dominus  (RV 594)贝多芬- 第九交响曲及中国清唱剧“黄河大合唱南洋商报80周年纪念汇演"指挥颜良琨先生). 她也是第一位在亚洲首演演唱韩德尔之7首女高音独唱“荣耀颂 的歌唱家。(2001年被发现之作品,HWV deest号)。
叶洁芝与她曾合作的单位与乐团包括The Malaysia National Symphony Orchestra,  the Singapore Lyric Orchestra, the KLPAC Symphony Orchestra, the PESSOC Symphony Orchestra, The Singapore Lyric Opera, The Penang Art’s Council, Artist Platform, The Ancora Bel Canto,  Singapore Hallelujah Oratorio Society , Jakartha Festival Chorus她的演唱得到许多大众, 报章以及乐评的肯定, 被我国Boh Plantation赞助网上艺术评委Kakiseni颁发2002Cameronian Art’s Award”的最佳独唱演唱奖.

除了演唱,她也极力推广声乐教育常被邀给予声乐讲座,大师班,主办演奏歌曲赏析会,写作声乐专栏(基督教合唱季刊)等, 并长年与指挥李忠民牧师马来西亚音契圣乐传播中心合作参与圣乐音乐会出。

“Yap certainly lived up to expectation. Her voice was clear and powerful, and superbly controlled even for the most demanding songs…”  ~ The Malay Mail
Yap is a singer of rare musicality and stunning virtuosity. Her voice left the audience in awe with its sheer power, wide range and histrionic ability…”  ~ The Star
 “Carmen”“Micaela is a complicated role to play. Cecilia brought humanity to Micaela, … She did Bizet proud. She did us proud. Her voice was clarity and sweetness, sorrow and loss”.       ~
“Turandot” –Yap shone as Liu…..A true malaysian diva.” ~

“Viva Verdi” - …very secure technique, blossoming in the higher range, with ease and freedom in the singing that was welcome, as well as some real dramatic flair with no sacrifice to beauty of tone.”   ~ The Flying Inkpot, Singapore

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